
Agriculture + Lifestyle

Lifetime of Leadership

Posted on March 13, 2023 12:00 AM

Lifetime of Leadership

Of the many ways Sonny Perdue has served his community, state and nation, 他觉得他目前担任佐治亚大学系统校长的职位可能是他迄今为止最有影响力的角色. 

对于一个曾担任美国国防部第31任部长的人来说,这是一个重大的声明.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) from 2017 to 2021. He also spent two terms as Georgia governor, from 2003 to 2011, 1991年至2001年,他是乔治亚州参议院成员,担任参议院高等教育委员会主席,并最终成为参议院临时主席.

“当我结束农业部长的任期后,我回到家,登录了领英. My profile said, ‘Born a dirt farmer, tried a couple other jobs, never could escape,’” he said with a laugh. “When I was announced as chancellor, 我以为校董会想要更博学的人, so I changed it to, ‘Maybe the most impactful job I’ve ever had, Chancellor of the University System of Georgia ... 26 fine public institutions of higher education.’”

Named chancellor by the Board of Regents in April 2022, 珀杜管理着26所公立学院和大学.80亿美元的年度预算,48,000名教职员工和超过340,000名学生. 这是一项艰巨的工作,但由于他以前的经验,他完全有能力处理它.


作为佐治亚州州长,珀杜在佐治亚州陷入经济衰退之际改革了州预算. 在这八年中,他的财政管理使格鲁吉亚在收入恢复时表现出色. During his term, 乔治亚州公布了该州历史上最高的高中毕业率和SAT分数.

作为唐纳德·特朗普总统领导下的美国农业部部长,珀杜管理着11万名员工. 他在此期间的一些成就包括在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间稳定食品供应链,并启动“农民到家庭食品盒”计划,以确保所有美国人都有食物在餐桌上.

“美国农业部部长的职位令人惊叹,因为我走遍了全国, and even internationally, to see different perspectives. 我了解到,虽然口音和种植方法可能不同, 全国各地农民和牧场主的心灵和精神都是一样的,” Perdue said. “President Trump had an affinity for farmers, 我得出的结论是,他意识到农学家是美国的精神,是美国的精神推动了这个国家的发展. They risk their lives, fortunes and family every year — through tornadoes and hail, 干旱和洪水——他们会在明年继续这样做. He appreciated that about the heart of the farmer.”

Perdue learned a lot in his USDA role, not just about farming, 而是他可能对下一代领导人产生的影响.

“在美国农业部,最令人满意的事情之一就是看到一种文化的转变,即成为效率最高的机构, 联邦政府中高效且以客户为中心的机构, while doing right and feeding everyone,” he said.


珀杜喜欢在人生道路上收集知识的花絮, and he considers himself a lifelong learner. 他在佐治亚大学获得了兽医博士学位,并在美国服役四年.S. Air Force. 他说他在每一份工作中都能学到新的东西, 但最重要的一课是他在职业生涯早期学到的.

“我学得最多的工作之一是在休斯顿县规划和分区委员会担任公共服务人员, which was sort of a volunteer job. 我学到的是要倾听双方的意见,在你把事情听完之前不要妄下结论. 这是我成为一名立法者的最好训练,”他说.

现在,77岁的他正在把所有的知识结合起来,以改善乔治亚州的学生. In his new role, 珀杜有机会帮助塑造格鲁吉亚教育的未来, 这直接影响到他14个还在上学的孙子中的12个. 

对教育的热情是珀杜在休斯顿县的家族遗产的一部分, where he was born and raised.

“I come from a family of educators. 我妈妈在休斯顿县教了42年英语,我叔叔在1960年至1980年期间担任休斯顿县的督学. 当我来到州参议院时,我的第一份工作是担任高等教育委员会主席。. “我进入参议院的时候,泽尔·米勒是州长, 我意识到高等教育和国家经济未来的融合是紧密相连的. 我在参议院能施加的最大影响就是高等教育.”

When he came home to Bonaire in 2021, after his time as Secretary of Agriculture had ended, he relished spending time with his wife, Mary, and their family. 但他一直怀疑退休生活不会持续太久.

“I hope to spend more time with family, 但显然我不擅长坐在门廊上摇晃,他当时在接受《正规博彩网站评级》采访时说.

果不其然,一年后,他已经以更广泛的方式回来为格鲁吉亚人服务. A life of public service is what Perdue has always known. It’s what he believes God has called him to do.


“根据圣经,作为一个信徒,我相信你在做上帝呼召你做的工作. ... I’ve been so blessed in this country, in this state, in this community, to grow up with unconditional loving parents on a farm,” he said.

And it seems that no matter where God leads him, 他找到了运用童年在农场学到的东西的方法.

 “从童年起,我就学会了这片土地的法律,要及时有序地做事. You can’t plant in August and hope to harvest in September. 最好的农民是那些做事及时,总是做好准备的人. 我的目标是让我们,作为一个大学系统,为下一代做好准备,让他们变得更好. 这是一项了不起的责任,帮助人们在自己身上建立价值. We give them the opportunity to invest in themselves, and when people understand that we are partners with them, in improving themselves, that’s when it works. The system is doing a great job at that,” he said.

即使作为一个在各个层面都是领导者的人——在他的家乡, 国家和民族——他说,他的新职位的重要性不容低估。

“This job impacts the lives of 340,000 young people — their future, their family’s future, their own prosperity and opportunities. 这是一份重要的、有影响力的工作,也是我每天的动力. We owe our best to these students, 是谁把自己的金钱和生命托付给我们,让我们帮助他们为自己创造更好的生活做好准备.”